Cashew friction dust is made out of CNSL. The friction particles is used as a stability agent in brake products and it possess a resilient nature and able to absorb heavy impact and act as a cushioning agent of the engaging property of the lining.


PT. Java Tohoku Industries produce a fine friction dust that originated from the Cashew Nut Shell Liquid. These products have been developed to stabilize the coefficient of friction, decreasing of fade, and promoting longer wear qualities of compound friction elements. These products are available in various degrees of hardness, particle sizes, and chemical properties designed for use in each of the many types of processing procedures and friction elements manufactured. The friction dust is usually used as an added material by certain percentage of the total compound weight, with the dry fillers during the blending of the ingredients.

It’s fineness of the grind, will permit dispersions throughout the entire mix. The good thing about this, as completely reacted resins, it requires no additional curing agents, or catalyst.

Java Tohoku Industries friction dust, promises and promoting:

1. Greater resistance to fade.

2. Stability of coefficient of friction.

3. Reduced wear at all temperature.

Since our product are utilized in Critical Safety components, with the inclusion of friction dust, it is a principal importance in the manufacturer of brake system to prevent fading, and to increase wear resistance and maintaining high friction coefficient.

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